We are a personality assessment company.

Our tools deliver insights that reduce turnover
and increase performance.

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The OAD Survey is a highly accurate personality assessment instrument; approaching the accuracy and validity of some very complex clinical instruments that take hours to complete.

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OAD is committed to providing a superior level of service through expert consultation and enhanced availability. In our quest for continuous improvement, we also offer our clients ever-improving, robust technology tools through our website.

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As a major part of our Value Proposition, we strive to do business on our clients’ terms. Many of our unique, compelling and time-saving offerings that are now standard on our website were once special requests from our clients.

The Three Essentials for Success

Many if not most personality assessment instruments focus on Hiring and Selection as their mainstay application. Some go as far as to suggest that if a candidate has a certain “profile type” then they can do any job that would ideally call for that “type” of profile. What are seldom discussed are the three main requirements necessary for an individual to be successful in their role.

OAD Consultants work with our clients to help them look at each candidate holistically .- beyond the profile!

OAD Assessment Applications

people walking together working

Strategic Applications

• Strategic Alignment Talent
• Development Employee
• Engagement Succession
• Planning Mergers & Acquisitions

Tactical Applications

• Hiring & Selection
• On-boarding
• Managing & Coaching
• Team Building
• Conflict Resolution

OAD Survey

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people working on computer

What do you want to do?

Reduce Employee Turnover

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Increase Employee Performance

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Turnover Calculator

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Our Clients

Frequently Asked Questions

OAD is a personality diagnostic system that helps companies ensure that both their prospective and current employees are optimally deployed throughout their respective organizations.

The OAD Personality Assessment is a highly sophisticated, adjective based survey, that is unmatched in the industry. In contrast to most other instruments which are “forced choice”, the OAD Survey is a “free choice” instrument, which contributes greatly to its uncanny accuracy. Despite being simple to administer and simple to take, (taking the average participant less than 10 minutes to complete), the OAD Survey is rooted in 20,000 hours scientific research and statistics. Our approach is to place a much greater emphasis on using the OAD Assessment as a management and development tool. Our belief is that there is a great opportunity to improve personnel performance by focusing on how managers can best manage, motivate and communicate with their respective teams based on their respective personalities.

Going far beyond being just a hiring and selection tool, the OAD Program is designed to maximize the overall performance of each and every member of the organization by best leveraging the strengths of their natural personality traits. OAD excels in helping our clients maximize human performance throughout the entire employee journey.

OAD applications

At OAD, we have a wide variety of offerings to choose from depending on expected survey usage and training requirements. We would be happy to send you a proposal detailing our pricing, training options and consulting services but would first need to gain a better understanding as to your goals, objectives and your organization in general. With nearly 50 years in the assessment industry, our clients have found OAD not to always be the “cheapest” provider, but a provider who consistently delivers the best value.

Get in touch

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